Java For Loop
For loops allow you to execute a block of code a fixed number of times.
Java Text Blocks
Text blocks add clarity by reducing the syntax needed to build a string.
The Case Against Checked Exceptions in Java
Checked exceptions are great on paper, but not in practice.
The Case for Checked Exceptions in Java
Checked exceptions are exceptions that are checked at compile time.
Java Import Statement
Imports allow you to use a class by its name that is outside of the package you are in.
Java Switch Statement
Switch statements execute one or more blocks of code based on an expression.
Java try-with-resources Statement
Let Java handle closing your resources.
Java Enumerations
Enumerations allow you to define a set of constants as their own type.
Constants vs Enumerations
Enumerations are a set of fixed values, while constants are a single fixed value.
Java Access Modifiers
Access modifiers determine who can access the members of a class.