How to Use Java's Optional Class
Java's Optional class is a partial replacement for null and allows for more of a compile-time null check.
Difference Between the JVM, JRE, and JDK in Java
The JVM, JRE, and JDK are the tools needed for developing and/or running a Java application.
Different Casing Convention Styles
Different casing conventions are used depending on the programming language or data you are working with.
Removing Code Duplication Using Loops and Collections
Think in terms of data and not operations
What Type of Comment Should You Use, and How Do You Format Them
Comments come in different forms, but when should you use each form?
Function Parameters vs Function Arguments
Parameters are names, while arguments are values.
Statement vs Expression
Statements are used to execute something, while expressions return something.
If Statement vs Guard Statement
Knowing the difference can give you a new perspective on how to simplify your code.
Unix Command Line Programs for Beginners
The command line can be intimidating for beginners, but it is actually quite simple to use and understand.
Working with Files and Directories on the Unix Command Line
The commands that you need to work with files and directories.