Multi-line Strings in Swift
Multi-line strings allow you to build a string using different syntax that is more clear for a multi-line string.
String Interpolation in Swift
Building clean string values without string concatenation.
Strings in Swift
Strings are multiple characters represented as a single value.
Comparison Operators in Swift
Comparison operators allow you to check things like equality and if a value is less than or greater than another value.
Continue Statement in Swift
Continue statements allow you to skip an iteration of a loop.
Break Statement in Swift
Break statements allow for you to immediately terminate a loops execution.
Repeat-while Loops in Swift
A repeat-while loop always executes once and then evaluates a condition to see if it will execute any further iterations.
While Loops in Swift
While loops allow you to execute a block of code while a condition evaluates to true.
If Statements in Swift
If statements allow you to evaluate conditions and execute different blocks of code depending on the condition.
Booleans and Boolean Operators in Swift
A boolean is a data type that represents either a true or false.