When and When Not to Abbreviate Names
Don't abbreviate names unless the abbreviate name is more common than the non-abbreviate name.
Scope and Good Variable Naming
Considering the scope of the variable when naming them can help you better name variables.
Field and Method Hiding in Java
Field and method hiding is where you have the same field name or static method signature in a superclass and in a subclass.
Shadowing and Using this in Java
When variables or methods are shadowed, you can fix this by using this.
Java Class Constructors
Constructors are a block of code that is executed when creating an instance of that class.
Classes vs Objects
Classes a type of template, whereas objects are an instance of a class.
Local Classes in Java
Local classes are classes defined inside of a method.
Proper Use of Nested Classes
Nested classes are used to encapsulate a class.
Lists in Java
Lists are a collection of elements that are ordered and not unique.
Nested vs Inner Classes in Java
Nested classes cannot access an outer classes variables or methods, whereas inner classes can.