Relative Paths vs Absolute Paths
Understanding the difference between a relative and an absolute path.
Classes vs Objects
Classes a type of template, whereas objects are an instance of a class.
Inheritance vs Composition
Inheritance is where a class inherits from another class, whereas composition is a class instance inside another class.
Method Overriding vs Method Overloading
Method overriding is used in inheritance, whereas method overloading is to provide multiple methods with the same name.
Mutable vs Immutable
Mutable variables can be reassigned a value whereas immutable variables cannot be reassigned a value.
Constants vs Enumerations
Enumerations are a set of fixed values, while constants are a single fixed value.
Why Are Loops Needed in Programming
There are three different use cases for using loops.
Function Parameters vs Function Arguments
Parameters are names, while arguments are values.
Statement vs Expression
Statements are used to execute something, while expressions return something.
If Statement vs Guard Statement
Knowing the difference can give you a new perspective on how to simplify your code.