Record Class Reflection in Java
Record class reflection allows you to get meta data about a record class at runtime.
Label Statements in Java
Label statements are a way for an inner loop to have control of the outer loop.
Class and Interface Reflection in Java
Class and interface reflection is a way to obtain metadata at runtime.
Constructor Reflection in Java
Constructor reflection allows you to invoke a constructor and create an instance of that class.
Method Reflection in Java
Method reflection allows you to obtain information about the method signature as well as invoke the method.
Field Reflection in Java
Field reflection allows you to obtain information such as modifiers and type as well as getting and setting the field value.
Abstract Classes in Java
Abstract classes are classes that provide code reuse as well as enforce what needs to be implemented.
Class Inheritance in Java
Class inheritance allows you to inherit the instance variables, methods, and constructors in a superclass.
Extends vs Implements In Java
Implements is used for a class that implements an interface, whereas extends is used for inheritance.
Interface Inheritance in Java
Interface inheritance allows you to inherit the methods and constants in another interface.