Label Statements in Swift
Label statements are a way for an inner loop to have control of the outer loop.
Optionals in Swift
Optional data types can represent both a variable having a value or not having a value.
Guard Statements in Swift
Guard statements allow you to prevent methods from executing if certain preconditions are not met.
Switch Statements in Swift
Switch statements allow you to execute a block of code by matching one or more values.
For Loops in Swift
For loops are used to iterate through collections or ranges.
Ranges in Swift
Ranges are a special type of syntax that allows you to build a sequence of values.
Multi-line Strings in Swift
Multi-line strings allow you to build a string using different syntax that is more clear for a multi-line string.
String Interpolation in Swift
Building clean string values without string concatenation.
Strings in Swift
Strings are multiple characters represented as a single value.
Comparison Operators in Swift
Comparison operators allow you to check things like equality and if a value is less than or greater than another value.